Dear Constituent,
Long before, during, and after the 2019 election, people shared their concerns with me about the limited access to the internet, lack of infrastructure and literally no choice on the monopolized market in the riding that is located so close to Canada's largest municipalities.
Below, you can review some instances of the work that has been done on this issue before the COVID-19 pandemic and during the crisis. I assure you this issue is on my list of priorities and I raise it during almost every meeting with my Conservative caucus colleagues, provincial and municipal counterparts, as well as in Town Hall and Zoom meetings.
I also encourage you to complete the form below and share the details that are crucial for me, as your representative in Ottawa, to know. You can help me to create strong, targeted messages that will be heard by both the federal government and Internet service providers.
Through our consultations, we heard that the causes of the failure to provide all Canadians with adequate home internet and cellular network access are many, but largely result from: limited competition in the telecommunications industry, a maladaptive regulatory regime, poorly designed funding programs, and upfront infrastructure costs.
This report reflects what we heard from our consultations on the initial Connect Canada document that we released on May 6, 2020, and per that report, proposes solutions to connect rural Canadians by the end of 2021. With dozens of written submissions, town halls, and conversations had between stakeholders, consumers and our caucus members, we feel this robust report can provide direction on how to provide every rural Canadian with affordable, reliable internet access.
<-- Click on the image to open the document
In November 2020, this flyer was distributed in Dufferin-Caledon. Every household has been asked to share their issues and concerns related to the local internet service.
In November 2020, this flyer was distributed in Dufferin-Caledon. Every household has been asked to share their issues and concerns related to the local internet service.
Lisa and Geof Cardoza, the residents of northeast Caledon, Ontario :
We live in the most northeasterly corner of Caledon (Albion Trail, Blackhorse, Mt Wolfe Rd) and are trying to function on 5/1Mbps. We have been identified as one of the last remaining 'underserved areas' in southern Ontario by the 'National Broadband Internet Service Availability Map' and by the Town of Caledon's Internet Performance Test.
Taking matters into our own hands, we started a physical petition on May 1st, 2020. We have put a lot of time and effort into organizing our neighbourhood during difficult times when this service has become of utmost importance to our daily lives and future well being.
With the help of MP Kyle Seeback's office, we created a Federal Petition. This again was in paper format and amounted to 160 signees. They were given to the Clerk in Ottawa on July 6th and have now been certified. MP Seeback will now be able to table and present it to Parliament as soon as it will become possible.
In July, the Rural Internet flyers were distributed within areas in Dufferin-Caledon that have no or limited Internet connection. Constituents have been updated on MP Seeback's work on this topic and encouraged to share their specific issues.
In July, the Rural Internet flyers were distributed within areas in Dufferin-Caledon that have no or limited Internet connection. Constituents have been updated on MP Seeback's work on this topic and encouraged to share their specific issues.
In February 2020, we founded a special Rural Internet Caucus where we regularly discuss the issues across Canada, share our experiences, and best practices. As a result, we’re developing and presenting constructive solutions to the federal government that can and will ensure high-speed internet infrastructure in rural areas.
In February 2020, we founded a special Rural Internet Caucus where we regularly discuss the issues across Canada, share our experiences, and best practices. As a result, we’re developing and presenting constructive solutions to the federal government that can and will ensure high-speed internet infrastructure in rural areas.
Feb. 12, 2020 - Productive discussion of issues facing the Town of Caledon with Mayor Allan Thompson, Regional Councillor Jennifer Innis, and Area Councillors Christina Early and Nick deBoer. As promised, I will be meeting with all of my municipal counterparts in Dufferin-Caledon at least once a year, and this meeting is the first one. Thank you to my today's guests for their hard work and professional expertise on our local challenges and opportunities.
Feb. 12, 2020 - Productive discussion of issues facing the Town of Caledon with Mayor Allan Thompson, Regional Councillor Jennifer Innis, and Area Councillors Christina Early and Nick deBoer. As promised, I will be meeting with all of my municipal counterparts in Dufferin-Caledon at least once a year, and this meeting is the first one. Thank you to my today's guests for their hard work and professional expertise on our local challenges and opportunities.
January 16, 2020 - Dufferin Board of Trade is a community-building organization in its 110th year serving the Headwaters region. Honoured to participate in their event and to share my vision for 2020 including work with our local youth, small business, farmers, and broadband internet providers.
January 16, 2020 - Dufferin Board of Trade is a community-building organization in its 110th year serving the Headwaters region. Honoured to participate in their event and to share my vision for 2020 including work with our local youth, small business, farmers, and broadband internet providers.